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Streamed debate: Digital patient treatment - The key to the future of healthcare?

Photo of three researchers

At a time when the healthcare system is facing ever greater capacity challenges, digitization has been promoted as a strategic solution. But how can digital patient care really help solve these challenges? The RECONNECT network, led by Tuva Moseng at Diakonhjemmet hospital, is organizing a streamed debate during Arendal Week, Thursday 15 August. at 13. 

TIME: Thursday 15 August 2024 13:00 - 13:45
LOCATION: Langbrygga 5, Arendal, 5th floor (Blindeforbundet's premises)

Digital patient care is no longer considered just a useful tool, but a necessity. With an ever-aging population and increasing pressure on the healthcare system, we have to think anew. Traditional methods are no longer sufficient to meet the growing needs. By adopting digital solutions, we can potentially improve access to healthcare services, make treatment more accessible to patients and at the same time relieve healthcare personnel who are already under heavy strain.

The panel that will discuss these important issues has been put together by experts in the field. They consist of Truls Vasvik, spokesperson for health policy, the Labor Party,
Kåre Birger Hagen, professional director, Institute of Public Health, Kristine Kleivi Sahlberg, head of research and innovation, Vestre Viken HF,
Grete Kvernland-Berg, partner and head of Norway PA Consulting and Kim Fangen, experience consultant, Sørlandet hospital.

We have spoken to Tuva Moseng to gain more depth on the topic.

What challenges do we  face when it comes to the digitization of healthcare services?

- One of the biggest challenges is to ensure that the technology that is introduced is safe, effective and user-friendly for both patients and healthcare personnel, says Tuva Moseng. It is also important that we do not create a bifurcation of the healthcare system, where some have access to advanced digital services, while others are left without. Research is crucial here. We need to have solid data that shows what works and what doesn't, in order to roll out the best solutions in an inclusive and sustainable way.

Why is digital patient care important for the healthcare system of the future?

Digital patient care can, among other things, provide more personalized services. With the help of technology such as digital consultations, home follow-up and mobile health solutions, we can follow up patients in a way that suits their lifestyle, regardless of where they live. This can especially be an advantage for those who live in rural areas or have limited access to health services. In addition, this can reduce the need for unnecessary hospital admissions, which in turn can free up resources for those who need it most.

How does the RECONNECT network contribute to this development?

- RECONNECT works to collect experiences and build a knowledge base for decentralized clinical studies. This involves, among other things, exploring how we can carry out studies where the patients do not need to physically attend hospital, but can instead be followed up digitally. This gives us valuable insight into how such solutions can work in daily practice, and how they can be implemented on a larger scale. The aim is to ensure that we do not just introduce technology for technology's sake, but that we do it in a way that provides real value for patients and the healthcare system as a whole.

What do you want the audience to take away from the debate during Arendal Week?

- I hope that people gain a deeper understanding of the complex challenges and opportunities that digitalisation brings with it in the healthcare system. It is important that we have a broad, public debate about how we can best utilize these tools. And not least, that we must be aware that research must be at the forefront to ensure that we make the right choices for the health services of the future, emphasizes Tuva Moseng.

We look forward to an engaging and informative debate during Arendal Week, where we will delve deeper into how we can shape the healthcare system of the future through digitalisation.

Follow the debate live: Go to the streaming page
