Patients and the media - take care of contact information

Personal stories can often play an important role in elucidating medical issues and explaining research results. The picture is from a Dagbladet article about the hand training exercises.
We now have the opportunity to register patients for a possible future contact to front cases in the media. You can find the form here! (Only for employees at Diakonhjemmet hospital)
When patients share their personal experiences from illness, research and treatment, many may find that research takes on a human face. This can help make complex medical topics more accessible and understandable to a wider audience. In our time, much (unfortunately) is about the personal. With this knowledge we can build captivating bridges from the personal experiences to the results of research projects to gain greater visibility.
Patient stories can also help to create empathy and awareness, which can be important in promoting understanding and support for various research projects. Patients who have experienced specific illnesses or treatments can often convey information in a way that makes it more relevant and engaging for the general public. Therefore, it is valuable to be able to contact these individuals at a later date to help communicate important research findings and medical insights to the media and the public.
The request is therefore to use the form when you meet patients who you think will be able to come forward to give an introduction and tell more about the research project and the results from it. You will find it here in the EK Quality Handbook! (Only for employees at Diakonhjemmet hospital)