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Our partners

Diakonhjemmet Hospital serves as the host institution for the research center. Additionally, the center collaborates with four prestigious partners: Oslo University Hospital, the University of Oslo, the Norwegian Rheumatism Association, and the MAGIC foundation. These partnerships enhance the center's capabilities and broaden its impact in the field of research.

At Diakonhjemmet Sykehus, REMEDY is strategically positioned under the Department for Research and Innovation, led by Professor Espen A. Haavardsholm. The hospital's research initiatives primarily involve patients from three specialized units: the Clinic for Rheumatology, the Outpatient Clinic for Research, and the Clinic for Anesthesia and Surgery. The Clinic for Rheumatology, which also serves the entire city of Oslo and holds regional responsibilities for South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority, is dedicated to treating patients with rheumatic joint diseases and osteoarthritis, ensuring comprehensive care within its scope of services.
The Clinic for Anesthesia and Surgery provides comprehensive care to patients requiring both elective and emergency treatments in orthopedics, gastroenterology, and general surgery. Additionally, it maintains a state of readiness to support the intensive care unit as needed.
The Department of Clinical Medicine at the University of Oslo (UiO) serves as the primary collaboration partner for the REMEDY center. As the largest department at UiO, it oversees both education and research across all clinical disciplines. REMEDY benefits significantly from this collaboration, especially through joint activities and initiatives. UiO will also host guest professorships at the center. Researchers affiliated with REMEDY will have access to UiO's core facilities, including the Bioinformatics Core Facility, Genomics Core Facility, Proteomics Core Facility, and the Norwegian Sequencing Center. Additionally, UiO’s technological infrastructure, such as the Service for Sensitive Data (TSD), will support the secure collection, storage, and analysis of data, facilitating the application of advanced techniques like artificial intelligence and machine learning.
The main collaboration partners at Oslo University Hospital (OUS) are the Department of Rheumatology, Skin and Infectious Diseases and the Department of Research and Innovation (Neuroklinikken), which is also responsible for the Research Unit for Musculoskeletal Health (FORMI). REMEDY has a close collaboration with Regional Research Support and NorCRIN. The center also has laboratory collaboration with Radiumhospitalet.
The Norwegian Rheumatism Association (NRF) is one of the largest health organizations with around 30,000 members. NRF will contribute to the development of prioritized research areas and collaborate closely with the REMEDY Patient Council in connection with user participation in research in all REMEDY research projects. NRF will also assist in disseminating research results in REMEDY through its social platforms and webinars.
The Magic Evidence Ecosystem Foundation will assist with knowledge summaries and updated guidelines through its partnership with BMJ Rapid recommendations.