The curriculum REHMATOLOGY has been launched
The authors Jens Vikse , Espen A. Haavardsholm and Øyvind Molberg presented the book and all the collaboration with the rheumatology community behind it.
In the picture, from left: Øyvind Molberg, Jens Vikse and Espen A Haavardsholm.
The primary target group for the book is Norwegian medical students, but other healthcare personnel may enjoy delving into important principles in rheumatology.
According to professor at the University of Oslo, Erlend Hem, this is not only a boost for rheumatology, but for the entire medical profession and Norway.
The head of the Norwegian Rheumatology Association, Silje Watterdal Syversen, used the keywords grateful, proud and impressed to express the feelings connected to the publication.
Students learn better in their mother tongue, so this is a book every medical student must have on their bookshelf, no matter what specialization they later choose.
There are also resources related to the book on the website
The Læreverket was launched on 1 November. A large number from the Norwegian rheumatology community were present.