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National clinical network

The national clinical network associated with REMEDY consists of hospital departments and rehabilitation institutions with a particular focus on rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases.

In addition to the joint research focus, the network will help to strengthen national collaboration, facilitate communication between different units and contribute to the implementation of results in clinical practice.

The network can contribute to new research projects through the sharing of research ideas and collaboration across the various units in the form of multi-centre studies

Members of the network

The network consists of hospital wards and rehabilitation institutions in all four health regions in Norway.


The specialist health service
Diakonhjemmet Hospital
Oslo University Hospital, Rikshospitalet
Oslo University Hospital, Ullevål
Martina Hansens Hospital
Betanien Hospital
Rheumatism Hospital in Lillehammer
Østfold Hospital
Sørlandet Hospital, Kristiansand
Drammen Hospital
Akershus University Hospital
Kongsvinger Hospital
Oslo Rheumatology Practice
Humana Helse AS

Rehabilitation institutions
Skogli Helse og Rehabiliteringsenter AS
Unicare Norge (Landaasen AS, Hokksund AS, Friskvern AS)
Unicare Jeløya A/S
Vikersund Bad Rehabilitation
Stiftelsen Hernes Institute
Stiftelsen Catosenteret


The specialist health service
St. Olavs Hospital
Ålesund Hospital
Health Nord-Trøndelag

Rehabilitation institutions
Selli Rehabilitation Center Muritunet AS Meråker Kurbad


The specialist health service
Stavanger University Hospital
Haukeland University Hospital
Health Førde
Haugesund Sanitary Association Rheumatism Hospital

Rehabilitation institutions
Red Cross Haugeland Rehabilitation center AS
Åstveit health center
Ravneberghaugen Center for coping and rehabilitation


The specialist health service
The University Hospital of Northern Norway
Finnmarks Hospital Hammerfest
Helselandssykehuset Mo i Rana
Nordlandssykehuset Bodø

Rehabilitation institutions
Helsepartner Rehabilitation

Project requests

The network has its own web-based work platform where you can stay regularly updated on news in REMEDY, follow up on requests to join research projects and find collaborators to develop ideas for new research projects.

To see project requests and submit project ideas, press the button below.