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Exercise as treatment for patients with inflammatory rheumatic disease

Project Manager


The purpose of the study is to investigate whether exercise can be effective as part of the treatment for patients with spondyloarthritis (SpA).

Recommended treatment for patients with SpA is a combination of drugs and exercises. It has been a standard to recommend gentle exercise, with an emphasis on joint mobility, with caution to not increase the disease activity, pain and fatigue. However, research has now shown that SpA can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. This is believed to be due to both an increased degree of inflammation in the body and an increased incidence of traditional risk factors. In healthy adults and other patient groups, exercise has been shown to have a positive effect both on inflammation and other risk factors for cardiovascular disease. This has not been investigated in patients with SpA. There is a demand for studies investigating the effect exercise can have on inflammation in patients with chronic inflammatory diseases. In addition, we have carried out a pilot study which showed promising results both in relation to disease activity and risk factors for cardiovascular health.

The purpose of the ESpA study is to examine the effect of fitness and strength training on disease activity and risk factors for cardiovascular disease in patients with SpA. The results will be able to provide new knowledge about exercise as a treatment measure to reduce disease activity and risk of cardiovascular disease in this patient group.


You can participate in the study if you have SpA, are between 18 and 70 years old and are currently suffering from the disease. You cannot have trained regularly (>1 time of 60 min per week) muscle strength and or cardio training during the last six months. However, if you have practiced mobility training or participated in pool training regularly during this period, you can participate in the study. If you have diseases where there are contraindications to high-intensity exercise, you cannot participate in the study.

It is no longer possible to take part in the study as it has been completed.


At the beginning of the study (test 1), after 3 months (test 2) and 6 months. follow-up (test 3):

  • Cardiac examination, including measurement of blood pressure, height, weight and waist circumference, measurement of body composition using a scanning test (DXA scan), as well as ECG examination (electrodes are attached to the chest to measure the heart's electrical activity).
  • Blood samples that will be analyzed both for markers of disease activity and risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
  • Measurement of the pressure in the vein wall in the wrist, groin and on the neck.
  • Measurements of the blood flow in both index fingers before, during and after 5 minutes of clamping the artery of the arm using a blood pressure cuff. The examination is carried out using a cap that is threaded onto the index finger and provides a measure of the stiffness of the vein wall, an early sign of atherosclerosis.
  • Ultrasound examination of the blood vessels in the neck
  • Examination of physical fitness, including a maximum walking test on a treadmill, measurement of muscle strength and mobility.
  • Questionnaire about disease symptoms, physical function, fatigue, sleep, general health, self-reported physical fitness and level of physical activity.  
  • MRI examination of the back and pelvic joints. This means that the participants lie still for up to 30 minutes.

If you are drawn to join the training group, you will also be offered an individually adapted training program guided by a physiotherapist. The training will consist of conditioning (40 minutes) and strength training (20 minutes). The aim is that you participate in guided training with a physiotherapist two days a week, and furthermore that you carry out one day a week of self-training.