Training interventions at spondyloarthritis
Project managers
Project participants
Exercise, along with appropriate medication, is recommended as cornerstone treatment for rheumatic diseases such as spondyloarthritis. Many studies have investigated various forms of exercise for spondyloarthritis, but the optimal dose remains unclear. The lack of clear reporting on what has been done in terms of exercise interventions makes it difficult to apply research findings to clinical practice. To address this, tools for better reporting have been developed. In this project, we aim to examine whether the reporting of exercise interventions has improved over the past 20 years, and whether good reporting is associated with better exercise outcomes.
The study will be conducted as a systematic review with meta-analysis. The main focus is on how exercise has been reported according to checklists and whether the reporting has improved over the past 20 years. We will also assess the quality of the included studies and conduct a meta-analysis on the effect of exercise on self-reported disease activity in patients with spondyloarthritis. The project will result in the publication of an article, and the findings will be communicated to patients and healthcare professionals.