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RehabNytte - work

Rehabilitation and work participation

Project managers
PhD fellow


Rehabilitation should help people to participate in society with the best possible function, coping skills and independence. However, there is little research that examines how specialized rehabilitation services affect work ability and work participation after rehabilitation, despite the fact that this has great individual and socio-economic significance.

The main aim of the project is therefore to investigate whether people who have undergone rehabilitation have changed their participation in work from 1 year before to 1 year after rehabilitation.

This project is one of three projects in RehabNytte where over 4,000 people were rehabilitated at private rehabilitation institutions in Norway. The other two projects deal with patient involvement and quality/disease outcomes.


The study includes adult patients who have been undergoing rehabilitation in private rehabilitation institutions regardless of the underlying disease. Inclusion of patients has been completed and no more participants are therefore being recruited.


Patients referred for rehabilitation and over 4,000 people were included. Upon inclusion, after 3, 6 and 12 months they filled in a questionnaire that included work participation in a digital portal. In order to examine changes in the employment and financial assistance, register data was obtained from NAV on diagnosis, sickness benefit, work verification benefit, disability pension and unemployment - also for a matched control group.

This multicenter study is the first to examine work ability and participation after rehabilitation, compared to a matched control group. The results will show whether rehabilitation is useful and is a starting point for optimizing the rehabilitation offer for people of working age.