RehabNytte - impact NOR
Patient engagement in the health service
Project Manager
Sports Science PhD
The overall aim of the study is to obtain knowledge about organisation, implementation and quality of patient engagement at system and individual level of the health service.
According to the Norwegian Healthcare Organizations Act, healthcare organizations are obliged to include patient engagement.
The few studies that have evaluated how the user committees work show
- that there is great variation in the degree of patient engagement
- that healthcare personnel largely control the committees
- that user participation works better at an overall level than in a clinic
There is also a need to evaluate user participation at an individual level.
This is made possible in the field of rehabilitation with a new set of quality indicators (QI).
In the multi-centre study RehabNytte, this QI set will be used to evaluate perceived user involvement for approximately 2,000 patients with various diagnoses who have undergone rehabilitation at 17 rehabilitation institutions.
The study includes adult patients who have undergone rehabilitation in private rehabilitation institutions and and patient representatives in patient advisory boards.
Inclusion has been completed.
We explore user participation at system and individual level by
- summarizing available knowledge about how patient representatives are involved in the development and evaluation of healthcare services and how such involvement can affect the quality of the healthcare service, examine how patient representatives in patient advisory boards describe their influence on decision-making processes at health institutions,
- and
- examine how patient engagement is structured in individual rehabilitation processes in rehabilitation institutions in Norway, and how patients report that they are involved in the rehabilitation process. The results will impact on how we organize patient engagement in the health service in the future. The results of the study are expected to impact how we organize patient participation both at system and individual level in the health service, and will be able to highlight areas in need of improvement. The knowledge will thus help strengthen patient engagement in all parts of the health service.
Sagen JS , Kjeken I, Habberstad A, Linge AD, Simonsen AE, Lyken AD, Irgens EL, Framstad H, Lyby PS, Klokkerud M, Dagfinrud H, Moe RH; RehabNytte Consortium. J Clin Med. 2024 Jan 6;13(2):320. doi: 10.3390/jcm13020320.PMID: 38256454 Free PMC article.
Sagen JS , Smedslund G, Simonsen AE, Habberstad A, Kjeken I, Dagfinrud H, Moe RH.BMJ Open Qual. 2023 Jun;12(2):e002309. doi: 10.1136/bmjoq-2023-002309.PMID: 37369560 Free PMC article.
Sagen J , Børøsund E, Simonsen AE, Habberstad A, Kjeken I, Dagfinrud H, Moe RH. BMC Musculoskeletal Disord. 2022 Aug 2;23(1):738. doi: 10.1186/s12891-022-05678-y.PMID: 35915435 Free PMC article.
Garratt A, Sagen J , Børøsund E, Varsi C, Kjeken I, Dagfinrud H, Moe RH. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2022 Jun 9;23(1):556. doi: 10.1186/s12891-022-05514-3.PMID: 35676674 Free PMC article.