Program Remedy Seminar 2025

Here you will find the program for the Seminar 5 and 6 March.
Wednesday march 5 th
0930 |
Arrival, Coffee |
1000 |
Welcome Ida K. Bos-Haugen, Vice Director of Remedy |
1010 |
Status Update and Presentation of the 2024 Annual Report Espen A. Haavardsholm, Professor in Rheumatology and Director of Remedy |
1025 |
The Impact of Remedy Through The Eyes of a Hospital Director Kari-Jussie Lønning, CEO Diakonhjemmet Hospital |
1040 |
State-of-the-art: The Use of Qualitative and Mixed Methods Designs in RMD Studies Emma Dushes, Professor in Rheumatology and Psychology, Uwe Bristol, UK |
1110 |
State-of-the-Art: Challenging Our View on Chronic Pain Camilla Svensson, Professor, Karolinska Institute, Sweden |
1140 |
Coffee Break |
1200 |
State-of-the-art: Axial spondyloarthritis: Development of a Field Désirée van der Heijde, Professor in Rheumatology, Leiden University Medical Center, The Netherlands |
1230 |
State-of-the-art: The Promise of Car-T for Patients With Rheumatic Diseases Christina Bergmann, Rheumatologist, University of Erlangen, Germany |
1300 |
Lunch / "Networking While in Activity"-Choice of Cross-Country Skiing or Cultural Sightseeing-Glasslåven / Check-In |
1545 |
Thematic workshops (4 parallel sessions) |
1645 |
Coffee Break |
1700 |
Presentations from the Young Researcher Program Grant Recipients Lena Bugge Nordberg, Abel Tesfaye and Øyvind Bakke |
1730 |
"Help, I have to convey!" How to get something complicated to become understandable to outsiders? Helene Uri, PhD, Linguist and Author |
1830 |
End of Program |
1930 |
Dinner |
Thursday march 6 th
0900 |
From Evolution to Epidemic: Understanding Osteoarthritis as a Mismatch Disease Ian Wallace, Anthropologist and Assistant Professor, The University of New Mexico, USA.
0945 |
An update of remedy activities Introduction from Ida K. Bos-Haugen, and Poster Session With Work Package Leaders and Co-Leaders |
1020 |
Poster Session, Coffee Break and Mingling |
1040 |
Project Discussions Program Will Be Based On Projects Submitted During Registration |
1140 |
Project Discussions Program Will Be Based On Projects Submitted During Registration |
1240 |
Lunch |
1340 |
What is the value of real world data compared to rts in future? Robert Landewé, Professor in Rheumatology, Amsterdam University Medical Center, The Netherlands |
1410 |
Debate. Comorbidity of rheumatic disease: Treat with medication or lifestyle interventions? Eirik Ikdahl, Postdocoral Researcher in Remedy, Co-Leader of Work Package 4, and Rheumatology Fellow at Oslo University Hospital Ole Petter Hjelle. Associate Professor, Inland Norway University of Applied Scieces. Aka "training doctor". |
1455 |
Hazardwell |
1500 |
End of Program |