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Communication plan

Communication in research projects - 

Download the Communication Plan Template PDF here (two pages)!

Download the PDF for the communication overview (10 pages) here! Download the PDF for the communication overview (10 pages) here! 


Communication responsibility. 1

Communication responsibility in practice. 1

Communication. 1

Communication in projects. 2

Milestones. 2

Steps in the communication plan, for each of the points: 2

Who can help you with communication?. 3

Communication responsibility

Communication responsibility follows case responsibility and the line principle. The person responsible for the case is responsible for informing and communicating about the case inside and outside the organisation, or delegating responsibility. That is that all study project managers themselves are responsible for internal and external communication. Assistance is available from a communications advisor.

Communication responsibility in practice
The responsibility for communicating about a matter therefore lies with the unit that has professional responsibility. Communicating can, for example, be creating a case together with a communications advisor, which can be shared on the intranet or holding a themed meeting. To get the issue out in digital media, internally and externally, assistance is provided from a communications advisor.


Communication is a tool on the same level as other tools. In order to achieve the desired results, communication must be integrated early in the work processes.

A communication plan with tentative dates must be drawn up for each project, in collaboration with the communication advisor. See "milestones for communication in projects".

During each project, which includes patients, particularly suitable patients must be registered so that they can be contacted on a later occasion, for media purposes etc. This must be in accordance with the GDPR.

At each milestone, the project manager must assess whether it is appropriate to release information, before contacting a communications advisor to take measures, such as updating the website, preparing a press release, newsletter content, taking pictures, preparing illustrations, SoMe posters, etc.

Before each publishable discovery and major publication, the author or project manager must, in as much time as possible, provide the communications advisor with a text base for press releases and communication in preferred, accessible channels. This is published after blocking deadlines.

Posts in social media (SoMe) are tagged with e.g. #remedysenter and #rmd #rmds and other tags for searchability


Communication in projects


Measures are assessed based on need

Project start/ Allocation of funds



The project is presented on its own website at and is registered on Helsenorge , CRISTIN, Clinical trials etc. NB! See what the financier's requirements are!


Press release (PM) w/issue in the project page + quote(s) from the head of the study + pictures + SoMe?




Update the website + SoMe


Possibly patient history from pilot study to media issue


Communication measures to assist inclusion?


Need other communication?


Patients for various media

Take care of the patient case during the study. See form in EK



Findings that can be made public

Media promotion? Social media? Own channels?


Patient who can be linked to the case?



Available publication


Update the website + all SoMe


Media promotion? Social media? Own channels?



Available publication that is relevant to clinical practice


Contact the communications advisor as soon as possible when publication is approaching


Send documentation to the PM about the study's findings to the communications advisor when the article has been sent.

Steps in the communication plan, for each of the points:

  1. Define your goal. What are you trying to achieve?
    1. What should the end result be?
    2. Define this BEFORE you start creating messages or thinking about tactics.
  2. Select the target group
    1. Who are you going to communicate with? Who needs your information?
  3. Define your purpose!
    1. What do you want the recipients to do?
      1. Is it an action you want them to perform or a (major) change they need to make?
    2. Choose your channels
      1. Which channels do the people you want to reach use? See channel overview in the note "communication overview REMEDY"
    3. Create your core messages
      1. What do you want your target audience to remember best? What is the most important thing to focus on?
      2. Stick to a maximum of 1-3 main messages that you will convey in various measures
    4. Execute – Create and use stories, media pitches, FB posts, etc. with most important first, and then descending necessity
      1. Check that linked websites are up-to-date and understandable (processing texts, etc.)
    5. Evaluate effort and effect - use the lessons learned for the next communication effort
  1. Define your goal. What are you trying to achieve?
    1. What should the end result be?
    2. Define this BEFORE you start creating messages or thinking about tactics.
  2. Select the target group
    1. Who are you going to communicate with? Who needs your information?
  3. Define your purpose!
    1. What do you want the recipients to do?
      1. Is it an action you want them to perform or a (major) change they need to make?
  4. Choose your channels
    1. Which channels do the people you want to reach use? See channel overview in the note "communication overview REMEDY"
  5. Create your core messages
    1. What do you want your target audience to remember best? What is the most important thing to focus on?
    2. Stick to a maximum of 1-3 main messages that you will convey in various measures
  6. Execute – Create and use stories, media pitches, FB posts, etc. with most important first, and then descending necessity
    1. Check that linked websites are up-to-date and understandable (processing texts, etc.)
  7. Evaluate effort and effect - use the lessons learned for the next communication effort