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MUSS 2024: 31.10 and 01.11 – National research conference about musculoskeletal health

Interdisciplinary conference, relevant for researchers, healthcare personnel, users, clinicians and others interested in musculoskeletal health. 

Place: Comfort hotel Runway, Hans Gaarders vei 27, Gardermoen

Time: 31 October-1 November 2024

Abstract deadline: 10 September 2024


Welcome to two content-rich days of exciting lectures, in addition to networking and inspiration from others who share your interest in the field.

Abstract for four lectures and/or poster presentations

You are welcome to submit abstracts for free lectures and/or poster presentations. Abstract sent to This email address is protected from programs that collect email addresses. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 10 September 2024. We want summaries from studies in all phases - from planned projects to published works. Prizes will be awarded for the best free lecture and the best poster presentation.

Collaboration forum

If you have a project or a project application in progress and need input from user contributors in Skjelettnett, you have the opportunity to register for the collaboration forum at the conference. The panel of user contributors represents various organizations and disease fields. Participation in this session requires advance registration. Join us by sending an email to This email address is protected from programs that collect email addresses. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

Approved course credits

Participation in the conference gives approved course credits/hours for various professions. Information about this can be found on the conference's website and more information about this will be published as associations/federations approve hours for conference participation.


You can sign up for one or two days, dinner at the conference hotel, 31 October and book accommodation. We have reserved some hotel rooms at Comfort Runway Hotell, where the conference takes place.

For more information about the conference, approved course credits, registration, submitting an abstract and collaboration forum, see :

We want as many people as possible to attend the conference. It would therefore be nice if you could forward the email to other relevant researchers/research environments in the field.

We hope you have the opportunity to join the conference!

Sign up here! 

With best regards,

National Research Network for Musculoskeletal Health (MUSS), Research Center for Treatment in Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Diseases (REMEDY) and the Council for Musculoskeletal Health (RMH)  

v/ John-Anker Zwart, Kjersti Storheim, Margreth Grotle, Espen Haavardsholm, Rikke Helene Moe, Sella Provan, Nina Brynjelsen, Amy Martinsen and Linda M. Pedersen.

For more information, contact Linda M. Pedersen,
e-mail: This email address is protected from programs that collect email addresses. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , phone number: 23016171/91106219